Renovating your home can be an exciting and transformative experience, but it can also be stressful and overwhelming. You want to empower your life and your home in order to improve things and achieve greater positivity, but it’s not without drawbacks. Living in a construction zone, dealing with endless decisions, and managing timelines and budgets can all take their toll.


The best approach to take to renovation is to do as much as you can to work toward an stress-free and relaxing experience, where possible. This is something that you need to improve upon when it comes to making your renovation process better and more effective. There are a lot of ways in which you can achieve this, and there are plenty of steps that you can take to survive a home renovation in a stress free way. Here are six great ways to make your renovation experience more manageable.


  1. Set Realistic Expectations


Renovation work takes time, and often more time than you initially anticipated. Before starting the renovation process, it is important to set realistic expectations for how long it will take to complete each stage of the project. Work with your contractor to create a detailed timeline; this includes deadlines for different phases of the project. By having a clear understanding of what to expect, you can manage your own expectations and limit the amount of stress you will experience.


  1. Create a New Budget


Renovation work is going to cost you money, and there are no two ways around this. It is important to make sure you do as much as you can to come up with some of the best ways of creating a new budget so that you can understand how much you’re spending. Being able to break down the costs of renovating your home allows you to understand and appreciate how much it will cost, as well as helping you to budget better so you can cover these costs. It is also important that you try to account for the fact that you will most likely wind up spending more than you plan to, and that this is simply part of the process.



  1. Use Self Storage


Self storage is a great way of being able to navigate a home renovation project in the most stress free way possible. There are a lot of factors that you have to consider when you are trying to use self storage facilities to help you here. The great thing about self storage, is that it allows you to store your possessions and important things in a safe and secure location, allowing you to empty the home so you can conduct the renovation work in the best and least stressful way possible. Self storage facilities are a wonderfully convenient and efficient way of achieving this, and it is important to come up with great ways of helping with this.


  1. Take Breaks


It is important that you take breaks during the course of the home renovation process in order to prevent burnout. If your home is undergoing a major renovation, you might consider renting a temporary space in which to live, whilst the work is being done. If your home is largely uninhabitable during work, staying somewhere like a hotel, or an on-site static home, would be a good idea. It is important to have a separate space that you can retreat to in order to recharge the batteries and return to your renovation with renewed energy. This is why taking breaks is so important, and plays such a huge role in allowing you to make the right decisions for the future.


  1. Seek Support


Conducting home renovations can be isolating, especially if you are living in the construction zone. Seeking support from friends and family can help ease the stress of the project, and can be important for mental health. Ask for help with tasks such as picking up the kids from school, running errands, or even providing emotional support. If you are feeling overwhelmed, consider hiring a professional organiser or therapist to help you navigate the stress of your home renovation.


  1. Celebrate the Wins


Finally, don’t forget to celebrate the small winds along the way. Completing a phase of renovation or choosing a paint colour for a room can feel like major accomplishments whilst you’re in the midst of the process. For this reason, it’s usually important to take the time to acknowledge and celebrate these milestones, whether on your own or with a group of friends. Celebrating the progress you’ve made can help maintain your motivation and reduce the stress associated with a long renovation process. 


In conclusion, renovating your home could be a challenging experience, but by following these six tips you can survive the process in the least stressful way possible. Remember to set realistic expectations, set a budget, utilise self storage, take breaks, seek support, and celebrate the wins. Keeping your belongings safe and making the renovation process smooth is so important, and with the right mindset and strategy this could be a transformative experience.