Tips and Tricks for a Clean Home

The new year is the time we need to start over again. It’s a fresh chapter of a new page and there’s nothing better than going into a new year with a freshly cleaned house. The problem is that deep cleaning your house takes time and it’s often so overwhelming to get started. What do you do with all the gifts? Where do you put all the decorations? The thing is, the new year is a good time to start fresh and when you give your house that thorough cleaning it just feels like a good start. There are so many more ways that you can clean those hard-to-reach places that you haven’t thought of, and you could even make your own all-natural cleaning solutions that can really help you to keep the bugs and pests away. 

At the end of every year, people are so busy preparing for the holidays that it’s really easy to lose track of all the threads of your own house. Businesses do the same thing; There’s a time to do some housekeeping, but they hire the experts to help stop while you are going through the process of cleaning and decluttering your home, you can take a look at the costs of things such as Fairy Meadow Self Storage so that you have somewhere to store all of your things as you clean them out. But the whole point here is that it’s a new year and a new start, so here is how to clean your house for the new year.

Start by making a plan

You need to take a few minutes to plan out how you are going to tackle your home. This is no small job, you know! You have a lot to organise and not much time to do it in. When you decide to go ahead and clean the house from top to bottom, you need to make a point of figuring out where to start! Then, list room to room what needs to be done. If you are cleaning the kitchen, for example, you should go from top to bottom and make a list that makes sense.

Ask for help

mother asking for help with 3 kids playing with toys on the ground

Don’t do this alone! This is a big job and a new year means a new resolution in asking for help when things look too big. There are so many areas in your home that can really use the help of experts who know exactly what they’re doing. You need help with the guttering, the siding, and the patios and you shouldn’t have to do all the heavy lifting on your own. There are some things that you don’t want to start the year with, and that’s debt to buy all of the cleaning equipment you’re missing! So, call in an expert cleaning company and make a point of listing the jobs that you really don’t want to have to do alone.

Use the time to declutter

If you’re going to clean the house properly, then you need to make sure that you have a storage unit ready to help you with your decluttering process. Sometimes, you want to keep the things you’ve built up in your collection, but you may not always want to keep them all in the house! A storage facility is the best thing to use here because it’ll keep everything in one piece! Old clothes, the toys the kids have outgrown, old furniture and more all have a place – and they’re not in your home! Contact Fort Lytton Self Storage today to find the best storage solution for you. 

Go for natural cleaners

We’re looking to bring in the new year with a new perspective and a clean slate, right? Well, try that but without all of the chemicals that come in the standard cleaners. Making your own cleaners doesn’t have to take too many ingredients and you’re really going to fall in love with lemons and white vinegar! Commercial products are full of things you shouldn’t be breathing in. Try these recipes for your own cleaners that will get the grime you’re trying to get rid of.

Look up

Sometimes, those hard-to-reach places are right above your head! Dusting the ceilings and the fans is a must when you are cleaning the house to get it ready for the new year. You need to ensure that you are getting each part of each room fully cleaned before you move on to the next area and that means not neglecting the ceiling, the ceiling and everything else above your head!