

Ever Considered Self Storage as a Library?

Plenty of us enjoy a good read. Books have been around for thousands of years and they take up a lot of space. Have you ever considered creating your own [...]

April 2nd, 2014|News|

How Self Storage can increase Profits for Local Retailers

Every square metre of retail space is valuable from the corner store with rents from $500 per square metre up to major shopping centres where rents can be from $2000-$5000 [...]

March 3rd, 2014|News|

Self Storage and Removalists Storage – What’s the difference?

Removalists have offered Storage services for many years. Some old style removalists still have repository storage for their customers. Repository Storage was popular before Self Storage. Removalists are often the [...]

February 1st, 2014|News|

Local Businesses use Self Storage to their advantage

Local Businesses use Self Storage to their advantage Self Storage not only suits residential users moving from one place to another and needing a storage space but also businesses. So [...]

January 8th, 2014|News|

Christmas Storage – Santa’s Big Helper.

Christmas Storage – Santa’s Big Helper. It’s no secret, kids will search high and low Christmas present in your house and they are not the only ones the big kids [...]

December 10th, 2013|News|

The Keys to Staying Organised While Moving

The Keys to Staying Organised While Moving. We know moving can be chaotic: your life is in upheaval, and your belongings are all packed away. Here are some tips to keep [...]

November 19th, 2013|News|

What to do before Storing

What to do before Storing.Don't think of your Self Storage space as a place just to dump stuff.  Self Storage spaces can be highly organised helpers for your home and [...]

October 4th, 2013|News|

Spring is a great time for Self Storage

As the days grow longer in Spring and its not so cold, our focus turns to moving or de cluttering. Real Estate agents are reporting that 75% or more of Auctions [...]

September 2nd, 2013|News|

Downsize Your Home and Save

Downsize Your Home and Save! We all accumulate stuff over time, drawers full of gear, gifts that we never used and never will, furniture and much more. Experts call this [...]

August 9th, 2013|News|

How to pick the right Removalist

How stressful is moving? It's one of the few things that we do that can really create a lot of stress and it's a lot of hard work. Thankfully Removalists [...]

July 24th, 2013|News|