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So far cfit has created 151 blog entries.

Save space when packing

Whether you’re the guru of packing or just a novice packer who is determined to fit 10 pairs of shoes and a comfort pillow for a quick trip on the [...]

November 11th, 2015|News|

Spring Cleaning Tips from Fort Lytton Self Storage

As we emerge from winter, all the team at Fort Lytton Self Storage are making sure that our facility is looking the best it can ready for the spring and [...]

September 10th, 2015|News|

Moving Office? Here Are Some Tips

There comes a time when your office will have to move. Businesses expand, leases expire, buildings get sold; all good reasons for you to move office. At Fort Lytton Self [...]

August 7th, 2015|News|

Home Storage Ideas

Whilst we at Fort Lytton Self Storage have storage spaces to suit home office or business, we thought we would ask our storage experts to come up with some home [...]

July 10th, 2015|News|

Tips to Help Sell Your Home for more Money!

Are you selling your home? Decluttering and reducing the amount of your stuff around you home might assist the sale! Where competition is very among sellers, it’s really important to [...]

June 15th, 2015|News|

How to Pick the Right Sized Storage Space

Picking the right Self Storage space from Fort Lytton Self Storage will definitely save you money. But how do you work out how much space you need? Removalists use cubic metres [...]

April 15th, 2015|News|

First Home Buyers Tips

One of the best things that you can do is to buy your first home. Nothing feels better than putting the key into the door of a home that you [...]

March 4th, 2015|News|

Fort Lytton Self Storage says Stacking Your Space wisely Can Save Money

Self Storage units are a great way to save money as they provide that extra space that you don’t have at home or in your business says Joel from Fort [...]

February 10th, 2015|News|

Declutter – That New Years Resolution

The start of every year is the time for you to declutter your home! There is no better time to considering decluttering your spare bedroom, the family room or the [...]

January 5th, 2015|News|

Christmas Storage

At this time of year, Santa is very active listening very patiently to thousands of requests from children at shops and malls. Don't assume all those kids ask for  iPods [...]

December 1st, 2014|News|