Unfortunately, we live in a world where some choose to steal . Our goods and belongings are important and its imperative that where you store your goods and furniture that they are safe.

Like any business, you get what you pay for – often cheap storage is not as secure as more expensive facilities.

Does Security matter for Self Storage?

Well, generally Self Storage is a lot safer than the family home or garage! Australia has the second highest break and enter record per capita than anywhere in the world. This costs over 144 million annually.

With over 1300 Self Storage sites in Australia, very few are broken into. Most Self Storage sites have large perimeter fencing, controlled access to the site, often by PIN number, CCTV cameras and much more.

Access is only permitted to storers and those with authority. The general public does not have access to the facility. Each unit is locked and the tenant provides the key. The facility does not have access to the space rented.

Individual units are often made of high tensile steel and sometimes concrete and block. Some facilities have individual door alarms and at Fort Lytton Self Storage we have them fitted for your piece of mind.

CCTV cameras are fitted at most Self Storage centres and we have them for your safety and security.

Often to save money, people store with friends or family. The potential to lose your possessions are high, despite them making all efforts to safeguard your property. Thieves will take your gear as much as theirs! Insurance may not cover your lost goods.

Don’t discount disaster – houses flood, catch on fire and are susceptible to other natural events. Self Storage sites are predominantly in flood free areas and are one of the safest commercial building types.

There is little doubt that Self Storage offers safe haven for your goods, consider wisely when you store to make sure your belongings are as safe as possible!